is Kohler Purist So Expensive? 10 Reasons Why

Kohler Purist is expensive due to its high-quality materials, superior craftsmanship, modern technology, and the brand’s reputation; all of which contribute to its higher price compared to other brands. Introducing the Kohler Purist line, a collection of faucets and accessories that seamlessly blend simple, architectural forms with sensual design lines and meticulous detailing.

Known for their dedication to craftsmanship and attention to detail, Kohler employs skilled craftsmen and artisans to create their Purist products. This commitment to quality, combined with the use of high-quality materials and modern technology, adds to the price of the Kohler Purist line.

Additionally, Kohler’s reputation as a trusted brand for decades also contributes to the higher cost. While it may be more expensive than other options, the Kohler Purist line offers an inviting visual appeal and an honest interpretation of classic modernity.

10 Reasons Why is Kohler Purist So Expensive


1: High-quality Materials

There are several reasons why the Kohler Purist faucet is so expensive. One of the main reasons is the use of high-quality materials. Kohler Purist faucets are made with premium materials that ensure durability and longevity. These materials not only add to the overall cost of the product but also contribute to its superior craftsmanship.

Examples of the high-quality materials used in Kohler Purist faucets include solid brass, ceramic disc valves, and corrosion-resistant finishes. Brass is known for its durability and resistance to wear and tear, while ceramic disc valves are designed to provide smooth and leak-free operation. The corrosion-resistant finishes ensure that the faucets retain their beautiful appearance even after years of use.

So, while the Kohler Purist faucet may be more expensive compared to other options, the use of high-quality materials justifies its price as it ensures a long-lasting and reliable product.

2: Superior Craftsmanship

Kohler Purist is known for its superior craftsmanship, with attention to detail at every stage of production. Kohler employs highly skilled craftsmen and artisans who have years of experience in creating their products. These craftsmen take pride in their work and ensure that each Kohler Purist product is of the highest quality.

The meticulous craftsmanship contributes to the longevity and durability of the products. Kohler Purist faucets and accessories are made using high-quality materials, ensuring that they stand the test of time. This commitment to quality and artistry adds to the overall value of the product, leading to a higher price point.

3: Cutting-edge Technology

Incorporation of modern technology and advanced features significantly contribute to the cost of Kohler Purist products. Kohler is known for its commitment to innovation and using the latest technology in its designs. For example, the Purist faucets and accessories combine simple, architectural forms with modern design lines and careful detailing.

These cutting-edge technologies and features enhance the functionality and performance of the products, making them stand out from competitors. Kohler employs skilled craftsmen and artisans, who utilize advanced manufacturing techniques to ensure the highest quality and precision. This dedication to craftsmanship and attention to detail further justify the higher price tag of Kohler Purist products.

Moreover, Kohler’s reputation for producing high-quality and durable products adds to their cost. Customers choose Kohler for its long-lasting reliability and exceptional performance, making it worth the investment.

4: Brand Reputation

Kohler has a long-standing reputation for excellence, which plays a significant role in the pricing of the Kohler Purist line. Their dedication to craftsmanship and attention to detail are admired by customers and industry professionals alike. Kohler employs skilled craftsmen and artisans who bring years of experience to creating their products. Many of these craftsmen have been with the company for decades, ensuring consistency and a high level of quality.

Additionally, Kohler is known for producing high-quality products that are durable and built to last. This dedication to quality often comes with a higher price tag. Customers are willing to pay a premium for the assurance that they are purchasing a reliable and long-lasting product from a trusted brand like Kohler.

In conclusion, Kohler’s brand reputation is a major contributing factor to the higher price of the Kohler Purist line. Customers are willing to pay more for the quality, craftsmanship, and reliability that Kohler is known for.

5: Unique Design

One of the reasons why the Kohler Purist is so expensive is because of its distinctive and aesthetically pleasing design elements. The design of the Purist faucet and accessories combines simple, architectural forms with sensual design lines and careful detailing. This unique design adds an air of exclusivity to the product, making it more desirable and valuable.

Additionally, the Purist collection offers a range of design options that cater to different preferences and tastes. Whether you prefer a more minimalistic design or a bold and statement-making style, the Purist collection has something for everyone.

6: Durability And Longevity

One of the reasons why the Kohler Purist is considered expensive is because of its durability and longevity. The brand is known for producing high-quality products that are built to last. The Kohler Purist is made with superior craftsmanship and uses high-quality materials, which ensures that it can withstand the test of time. This durability contributes to the overall value of the product, as it eliminates the need for frequent replacements and repairs.

When investing in the Kohler Purist, you can be confident that it will remain functional and aesthetically pleasing for years to come. It is this longevity that justifies the higher cost of the Kohler Purist, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a durable and long-lasting faucet option.

7: Customization Options

One of the reasons why Kohler Purist is so expensive is because of the various customization options available. Customers have the ability to personalize their faucets and accessories to match their unique preferences and styles. The different customization choices include selecting the finish, handle type, and additional features such as water-saving technology or temperature control options.

The level of customization offered by Kohler Purist allows individuals to create a truly bespoke product that meets their specific needs and tastes. However, this level of personalization comes at a cost. The additional materials, manufacturing processes, and attention to detail required for customization contribute to the higher price point of Kohler Purist products.

While the customization options may increase the cost, they also provide customers with the opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind piece that adds a touch of luxury and individuality to their space. Ultimately, the ability to personalize and tailor the product according to their preferences is one of the factors that make Kohler Purist a sought-after and expensive choice.

8: Extensive Testing And Quality Control

One of the reasons why Kohler Purist is so expensive is due to the extensive testing and quality control measures that the brand implements. Kohler is committed to ensuring that their products meet the highest standards of reliability and durability.

They conduct stringent testing throughout the production process to identify any potential flaws or defects. This includes testing the materials used, the functionality of the product, and its performance under different conditions.

Moreover, Kohler has a dedicated team of quality control experts who meticulously inspect each product before it is released into the market. This ensures that only the best-quality products reach the customers.

While these testing and quality control measures increase the production cost of Kohler Purist, they also guarantee that the customers are investing in a product that is built to last and perform at its best.

9: Warranty And Customer Support

The comprehensive warranty coverage and exceptional customer support services provided by Kohler are key contributors to the premium price of the Purist line.

Kohler offers a lifetime limited warranty for all Purist products, ensuring that customers are protected from any defects or malfunctions. This extensive warranty coverage demonstrates Kohler’s confidence in the durability and reliability of their products.

In addition to the warranty, Kohler’s customer support services are highly regarded. They have a dedicated team of support representatives who are knowledgeable and responsive, providing assistance and resolving any issues or concerns that customers may have.

The combination of comprehensive warranty coverage and exceptional customer support services further justifies the higher price of Kohler Purist faucets and accessories.

10: Market Positioning

Market positioning plays a significant role in determining the pricing decisions of the Kohler Purist. Kohler has positioned the Purist as a luxury brand that offers premium quality and design. The brand has carefully crafted a reputation for producing high-quality products that are durable and built to last. This dedication to quality often comes with a higher price tag.

In addition, Kohler’s attention to craftsmanship and detail further adds to the expense of their products. The company employs skilled craftsmen and artisans who have years of expertise in creating exceptional products. Their commitment to superior craftsmanship and the use of high-quality materials ensure that the Kohler Purist maintains its value over time.

Furthermore, the brand’s reputation also contributes to the higher price of the Kohler Purist. Kohler has established itself as a reputable and trusted brand in the industry, known for its innovation and design. Customers are willing to pay a premium for the assurance of getting a reliable and top-notch product.

Overall, the market positioning of the Kohler Purist as a luxury brand, combined with its superior quality, craftsmanship, and brand reputation, justifies its higher price compared to other options in the market.

Is Kohler Purist Worth It?

Kohler Purist is worth it because it combines simple, architectural forms with modern design lines and attention to detail. It offers inviting visual appeal and a lever handle for easy use. Kohler’s reputation for high-quality craftsmanship and durable products justifies the higher price.

Why Is Kohler So Expensive?

Kohler is expensive due to its dedication to craftsmanship and attention to detail. They employ skilled craftsmen and artisans to create their products, resulting in higher quality and durability. Additionally, Kohler’s reputation as a high-end brand contributes to the higher price tag.

Is Kohler An Expensive Brand?

Kohler is known for its high-quality and durable products, which often come with a higher price tag. The brand’s dedication to craftsmanship and attention to detail contribute to its reputation as an expensive brand.

What Is Kohler Purist?

Kohler Purist is a collection of faucets and accessories with simple, architectural designs and careful detailing. It combines both aesthetic appeal and functionality, making it a popular choice for modern interiors. The higher price of Kohler Purist can be justified by its high-quality materials, superior craftsmanship, and the brand’s reputation.


There are multiple reasons why Kohler Purist is more expensive compared to other brands. The use of high-quality materials, superior craftsmanship, incorporation of modern technology, and the brand’s reputation all contribute to its higher price. Additionally, Kohler’s commitment to producing durable, long-lasting products adds further value.

While the cost may be higher, the investment in Kohler Purist is justified by its ability to maintain its value over time.

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